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Molded Fiber Masterclass

Historically, there hasn't been much information freely available on molded fiber manufacturing processes and applications. A large part of our mission is to democratize this information and educate our members through shared knowledge and resources.

As recently as a decade or two ago, many innovations and advancements were kept as trade secrets by organizations that invested to realize them – today, these legacy companies share ideas, processes, and technology to elevate our industry in association. This page serves as a repository for high-level resources that go beyond our longstanding Molded Fiber 101 page. Be on the lookout for more to be added to this page over time!

Basic Molded Fiber Types

There are four basic types of molded fiber products – but, what sets them apart in manufacturing process and application? Click each tab to explore the different types of molded fiber products complete with educational videos produced in-house by our industry experts. This is a great place to start building your knowledge or get a refresher!

Type 1 molded fiber is manufactured using a single mold with product wall thickness from about 3/16 to 3/8 inches (5mm to 10mm). One surface is relatively smooth and the other is rough. These products are primarily used for support packaging of non-fragile, heavier items (vehicle parts, furniture, etc.) as well as, plant, floral, and nursery pots and containers. Watch our video below for more in-depth information on Type 1 molded fiber manufacturing and applications.

Type 2 molded fiber is manufactured using one forming mold and one transfer mold with product wall thickness from about 1/8 to 3/16 inches (3mm to 5mm). Surfaces are relatively smooth on one side. The most common use is for egg cartons and trays. New designs are used for many types of electronic product packaging such as cell phones as well as hospital disposables, electrical appliances, office equipment, tableware, and fruit and drink trays. Watch our video below for more in-depth information on Type 2 molded fiber manufacturing and applications.

Type 3 molded fiber is manufactured using multiple heated molds with a product wall thickness of about 3/32 to 5/32 inches (2 to 4mm). Surfaces are smooth and forms are well-detailed with minimal draft angles. Products are dried in the mold and no oven curing is needed. Due to the hot mold pressing process, the walls are somewhat denser. Type 3 thermoformed fiber products closely resemble thermoformed plastic material. Watch our video below for more in-depth information on Type 3 molded fiber manufacturing and applications.

Type 4 molded fiber products require some type of secondary or special treatment other than simply being molded and cured. These value-added processes are added to existing molded fiber manufacturing techniques, often type 2 or 3 products. Please note that Type 4 products are unique in this way; Type 1, 2, and 3 products all utilize completely separate and independent processes, but Type 4 manufacturing enhances these existing products in some way.

Examples of Type 4 processes are:

  • Hot or after pressed
  • Die-cut or perforated
  • Printed
  • Colored
  • Special mold
  • Special slurry formulations
  • Embossments
  • Special design features
  • Special additives

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